Winery: Monte dall' Ora
Established: 1995
Region: Valpolicella-Veneto
Wine Varietals: Corvina, Corvinone, Rondinella, Molinara, Oseleta , Dindarella, Croatina
Κλίμα: Ζεστό αεράκι που, ανεβαίνοντας στις κοιλάδες της Valpolicella από τη λίμνη Garda συναντούν τα πιο δροσερά ρεύματα αέρα του Monti Lessini, δημιουργούν μεσοκλίματα ιδανικά για κεράσια, ελιές και πάνω απ ' όλα σταφύλια για κρασί. Επιπλέον, τα φθινοπωρινά και χειμερινά κλίματα ευνοούν τη σταδιακή ξήρανση των σταφυλιών στις παραδοσιακές σοφίτες φρούτων, η οποία είναι θεμελιώδους σημασίας για την παραγωγή υψηλής ποιότητας Recioto και Amarone.
Cultivation: Organic, Biodynamic
High intensity fruit with notes of strawberry and strawberry jam, raisin, dried plum and balsamic aromas. Carlo and Alessandra fully respect the heritage of their region, Verona's most historic wine, by selecting perfectly healthy grapes from biodynamically cultivated vineyards. After about 4 months of drying, the grapes are taken to open oak winemakers...
A classic Valpolicella is simply enjoyed without having to think any further. Camporenzo, however, is a wine that has other multifaceted dimensions besides enjoyment. The minerality flatters the fruit - pure, lively and expressive - the result of the minimalist philosophy that Carlo and Alessandra follow in vineyard and winery. The winemaking is clearly...
This particular vineyard is located a few kilometres away from the estate surrounding the winery, towards Lake Garda and the vineyards are 15 to 40 years old on limestone soils. The label is painted by the daughter of Carlo and Alessandra. Fermentation is spontaneous, as in all the winery's wines, and takes place in a combination of stainless steel tanks...